Blog — actions
Am I Producing Fruit?
2 Peter abortion action actions adult advantage ahead always anxiety anxious approval attitude believe better Bible biblical christian living cope discipleship
It’s Time for You to Act, Lord! (Part 2)
action actions america anxious attitude Bible character corrupt devotion discernment discipleship
It's Time for You to Act, Lord! (Part 1)
abortion action actions america anxiety anxious attitude attitudes babies battle believe Bible biblical cancel culture character children choices christian contentment control cope corrupt country covid CRT decision discernment enemy eternity evil faith family future
I Call to God
2 Peter 9/11 actions christian encouragement faith fear future God
Listen to me, my friends. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t become powerful in prayer. The Lord has given every one of us a measure of faith. Take that faith and apply it when you pray. You’ll see—the Lord will not only hear your prayer. He will answer!
actions adult anxious attitude battle believe better Bible biblical boundaries character choices christ christian christian living conversation cope cross daily difficult discipleship encourage faith God godly grace heart
Would you agree that patience seems to be lacking in our society these days? So how can I become a more patient person—at home, at work, among friends, and even while I'm driving? Willpower alone can produce some level of patience, but our Creator made provision for us to be patient at those moments when willpower falls short.