Blog — 9/11
I Call to God
2 Peter 9/11 actions christian encouragement faith fear future God
Listen to me, my friends. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t become powerful in prayer. The Lord has given every one of us a measure of faith. Take that faith and apply it when you pray. You’ll see—the Lord will not only hear your prayer. He will answer!
"Let's Roll" | Facing Tough Times (Part 2)
9/11 action airplane anxiety biblical christian living church devotion devotional power practice
"Let's Roll" | Facing Tough Times (Part 1)
9/11 action airplane bible biblical decision devo devotion enemy fear military power reflections terror times tough
F-E-A-R has two meanings: “Forget Everything And Run” or “Face Everything And Rise.”
It’s time for individual Christians, churches, and denominations to wake up, assess our present circumstances, plan, and act. It’s time to roll.