Blog — boundaries


actions adult anxious attitude battle believe better Bible biblical boundaries character choices christ christian christian living conversation cope cross daily difficult discipleship encourage faith God godly grace heart

Would you agree that patience seems to be lacking in our society these days? So how can I become a more patient person—at home, at work, among friends, and even while I'm driving? Willpower alone can produce some level of patience, but our Creator made provision for us to be patient at those moments when willpower falls short.

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Boundaries (Part II)

boundaries church family god health life mental military ministry plans purpose responsibilities will

Boundaries (Part II)

When you hear the word boundary, how do you react? Do you think in negative terms and believe that boundaries are restrictive toward your freedom and happiness? A lot of people think that way. But God has laid out a different plan.

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Boundaries (Part 1)

bible biblical boundaries creation design devotional god military seperation

Boundaries (Part 1)

The Bible provides God’s wisdom about boundaries as they pertain to both the physical and spiritual realm. Christians must know, understand, and stay within the boundaries that God has set forth in His Word.

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