Blog — devotion

It’s Time for You to Act, Lord! (Part 2)

action actions america anxious attitude Bible character corrupt devotion discernment discipleship

Over the centuries, great empires or nations have had an average life span of 250 years. Why? The decline was not usually due to outside threats. Rather, in many cases, prosperity, commerce, literacy, and learning all grew to a point where people became proud and failed to follow God. Like the crew of the Titanic, leaders can develop a sense of invincibility. They see only 10 percent of the iceberg in their path—they don’t see the 90 percent lurking under the water.

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Are Distractions Hindering Your Walk With God?

devotion discipleship distraction focus identity power spiritual walk

Are Distractions Hindering Your Walk With God?

Distractions can negatively affect our lives and keep us off balance. Untold numbers of people, Christians included, go through life controlled by distractions—texts, emails, meetings, phone calls, errands, and surfing the internet. They bounce frantically from one activity to the next. Their goals and priorities take a backseat to an artificial tyranny of the urgent. Everything seems important. Ironically, they find enough time for distractions, but not enough time to restore their life’s equilibrium with a few minutes reading God’s Word and praying.

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New Beginnings (Part II)

beginnings christian devotion faithful God's guidance guide living new new year plan

New Beginnings (Part II)

Uncertainty describes so much of our present world: COVID 19 and its variations, the economy, our environment, the continuance of the freedoms we enjoy in America.

Amid this sea of uncertainty, we have a God who never changes.

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Can I Really Know I'm Saved?

christian living devotion encourage encouragement hope how Jesus know salvation sanctification save saved

Can I Really Know I'm Saved?

As you reflect on your hopes and desires for 2022, a great opening question pertains to your  relationship to God: "Am I really saved?" Stated another way, “Can I be sure that when I die I will go to heaven?”  New believers as well as folks who have believed in Christ for decades still ask these same questions. In hundreds of encounters with people seeking answers about this issue, I've usually interpreted their request as a plea for help in seeking assurance of their salvation. Be encouraged. There is good news—you can have firm assurance that you are a true...

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"I’ll Be Home for Christmas"

abortion babies baby children christian christmas devotion god home for christmas important Jesus life season

"I’ll Be Home for Christmas"

The birth of Jesus Christ deserves to be celebrated across the world. God planned it, prophets foretold it, angels announced it, and shepherds reported it. The world desperately needed a Savior.

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