Blog — evil

The Truth Is Rarely Told (Part 1)

america anxious attitude believe cancel culture character christ christian living control creation cross dark times decisions eternity evil faithful forgiveness glory God

How do you view truth? Are you someone who genuinely senses the importance of truth in your life? Can it be found? Do you believe that the way ahead for America hinges on finding the truth about the problems we face before we can determine solutions?

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It's Time for You to Act, Lord! (Part 1)

abortion action actions america anxiety anxious attitude attitudes babies battle believe Bible biblical cancel culture character children choices christian contentment control cope corrupt country covid CRT decision discernment enemy eternity evil faith family future

In the days leading up to The State of the Union address, I tried to make an honest assess about America. Beside the non-stop rhetoric and grandstanding by political leaders on both sides about their accomplishments, how are we really doing. What’s the truth?

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Hidden Enemy

2 Peter action army attitude battle believe Bible biblical champion character christian living control corrupt dark times death decisions difficult discernment encourage enemy eternity evil faith faithful fear focus future god's promises hidden

Hidden Enemy

We have a powerful spiritual enemy who hates God and wants to destroy the human race. Jesus, Himself, alludes to the devil and his evil works numerous times. Scripture teaches us we cannot defeat the devil with physical weapons. We need spiritual weapons.

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Maximize Your Opportunities

advantage america bible christian decisions devo evil good living nehemiah opportunity united states usa wisdom wise

Maximize Your Opportunities

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” 

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Will Justice Ever Happen?

america ask bible christian christian living corrupt devo eternity evil good guidance help justice mercy politics pray psalm

Will Justice Ever Happen?

It's no small wonder that many Americans are feeling discouraged and powerless. America is a democratic republic founded upon godly principles. Elected leaders are supposed to stand up for the folks who elected them. Sadly, it happens very little of the time. Instead, they somehow manage to accrue wealth far exceeding what their annual paychecks would seem to allow while doing precious little to help others.

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