But until you leave this earthly home, John’s message still has great relevance. As Matthew 3:9 commands, are you producing fruit that is in keeping with repentance? What does good fruit look like? When the Bible talks about fruit, it is talking about the way you are living your daily life.
In the days leading up to The State of the Union address, I tried to make an honest assess about America. Beside the non-stop rhetoric and grandstanding by political leaders on both sides about their accomplishments, how are we really doing. What’s the truth?
On November 8, 2022, national, state, and local elections will chart the direction of our nation for years to come, and the Democratic and Republican parties’ platforms point to very different directions. Determine that you will become as informed as possible about the issues and will pray for God’s guidance as you exercise your right and privilege to vote.
The Bible is a treasure chest of wisdom, knowledge, guidance, comfort, and so much more. God has much to say to you. From Genesis to Revelation, God speaks through compelling life stories, the history of nations, richly meaningful poetry, and eye-opening prophecy. And here’s a comforting reality—every word of God’s Word is intended to meet your need.
Are you discouraged about your present circumstances and fearful about the future? Does it feel like your day-to-day life is reduced to putting one foot in front of the other and trying to survive? Maybe you’re on the lookout for someone who cares and who can help you. What if I told you that I have a friend who fits that description—perfectly?