Blog — romans

Stand Up for the Gospel

christian living christmas devotion firm ground jesus not ashamed power romans stand

Stand Up for the Gospel

That Christianity in America has come under increased criticism and even persecution should come as no surprise. The Bible assures us that in the last days opponents of Christianity will step up their efforts to stamp out faith in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, enemies of the Cross have had considerable success in attempting to remove religion from the public sector.  Friends, this is no time to cower in fear or bow to the tenets of political correctness. It is certainly no time to be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And yet, too many pastors, churches, organizations, and individual Christians...

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Be Thankful Always

always christian devotional encourage life love romans thank thankful thanksgiving thessalonians

Be Thankful Always

If you’re like me, there’s ample room to become a more thankful person. But how? There’s no magic formula, but I suggest that the following steps can get you moving in the right direction. 

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