Does Your Character Reflect God's Love?

Scott McChrystal character choices Corinthians forgiveness God kindness love patience truth

Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash


Love is patient and kind; love does not 
envy or boast; it is not arrogant 
1 Corinthians 13:4

I can’t recall a period in my lifetime that reflects the disunity we’re presently experiencing in America.  The lack of civility and the hateful words and tones that permeate the airways is heart-breaking. The loss of life and the destruction of property seems so counter to the America I know. 

Where do we turn? Like you, I have my opinions—some very strong ones in fact. And I will express them hopefully at the right time in the right way and with the right heart. 
First, however, the Lord has put a check on my spirit and has led me to reflect on the condition of my own heart. Jesus sums up the Christian faith, Old Testament and New Testament, by two simple commandments—love God and love people (Matthew 22:37-39).
That’s what I’m trying to do—to reflect on the condition of my own heart regarding obedience to these commandments, particularly regarding the way I treat others.  
Love for others: The first few verses of 1 Corinthians 13 describe what genuine love looks like. I’ve been focusing on verse four shown above and asking myself these questions as they relate to my thoughts, words, and actions during these turbulent times: 

  • Have I been patient, especially with those who express ideas completely at odds with mine?  
  • Am I being kind, even to those who haven’t been kind to me or to others?
  • Have I been arrogant or boastful in thinking I have all the answers? 
  • Do I truly listen to what others are saying and try to truly understand what they’re
  • communicating before expressing my disagreement? 
  • Am I able to love the other person even though I don’t like what they’re saying or the way they’re behaving? 

Don’t get me wrong. In no way am I saying to cave in or become a doormat for someone to walk over. I’m simply asking myself “Scott, how are you doing with God’s command to love others?”
How about you?

Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash


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