Why Aren’t We Seeing Better Leaders? (Part 1)

Scott McChrystal better leader leadership maxwell results

All over our world people are crying out, “Give us better leaders!”

This is understandable. Leadership is crucial, but how crucial? John Maxwell is a renowned leadership expert who answers this 'why' question. He has stated on numerous occasions: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” John has spent his adult life trying to produce better leaders through speaking internationally and writing. His books have sold over 20 million copies.

I think Mr. Maxwell has it right. Pick any area of life and leadership is huge: marriage, family, small companies, big corporations, medicine, military organizations, churches, sports, non-profit organizations, government, and the list goes on.

But what about results? How are we doing toward producing better leaders? Despite the massive efforts in this country and around the globe, present consensus tells us that leadership is not improving. If anything, it might even be in decline. In almost every sector of life and at every level, there seems to be a critical shortage of good leaders.

Why is this so? What reasons would you give? If you’ll “google” this subject on the Internet, you’ll get more info than you ever imagined. Some of the material is decent and provides logical reasons that address the challenges for leaders in this rapidly changing world. Keep searching and you’ll find seemingly endless material offering solutions for developing better leaders- books, videos, seminars, podcasts, magazines, websites, and even pills to keep good brain-functioning.

But still, we haven’t cracked the code. Is there an explanation? We believe there is, and it’s not complicated. 

The overwhelming amount of material published about leadership represents the best that human effort, human experience, and human wisdom can offer—but we continue to fall woefully short.

Down through history, God’s Word, the Bible, has been mocked, ignored, discounted, or at best marginalized. Rather than being outdated, out of touch, or irrelevant to present-day life, Scripture contains hundreds of timeless truths that if learned and applied could enhance leadership at all levels across this nation and around the world. The amazing aspect about these truths is that they apply across every language and culture—no exceptions because God designed his truths to be universally true for all mankind for all time 

Better leadership begins by consulting God, the author of all knowledge and wisdom.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

Want to become a better leader? Proverbs 1:7 provides some excellent advice.


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